What is Site-Monitoring.NET?
Site-Monitoring.NET is a website monitoring service that helps website owners or
webmasters ensure their websites are up and running. This service is trying to reach
the website at regular intervals of 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes, and alerts you if
there is problem (unavailability or slowdown)
Monitors page - Add, edit, activate/suspend, delete monitors
On the image below you can see your monitor list. On Add New Monitor button, you
can add new monitor settings. For every monitor settings there is short explanation
for you to know what that setting should do.
In front every monitor name there is quick current status notification:
- web page is down
- web page status is OK
- web page status is not checked
On this page you can also edit monitor info or activate/suspend monitors, simple
with one click.
Reports page - daily, monthly, graphic report
Reports that contain information’s for all monitors together are generated daily,
weekly and monthly by request of user, settings that can be set in users profile
On this page, you can generate reports for each monitor separately. When you click
on monitor name, monthly table and graphic report will be displayed. From there
you can choose if you want to show report for every day separately.
Monthly Report
You can generate monthly report for each month. In this report you can track monitor
uptime and downtime in percents, for each day in that month. Also there is export
to CSV functionality available.
Daily Report
You can generate report for each day that you want. On every report you have last
status check on top of the report. You can export and download each report in CSV
Graph Report
Graph will be generated with average response time in milliseconds for each monthly
and daily report.